Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives



Participants : Slim Ben-Amor, Liliana Cucu, Mehdi Mezouak, Yves Sorel, Walid Talaboulma.

This project was started on May 2017. Partners of the project are: ADCIS, ALERION, Aéroports de Lyon, EDF, ENEDIS, RTaW, EDF, Thales Communications and Security, ESIEE engineering school and Lorraine University. The CEOS project delivers a reliable and secure system of inspections of pieces of works using professional mini-drone for Operators of Vital Importance coupled with their Geographical Information System. These inspections are carried out automatically at a lower cost than current solutions employing helicopters or off-road vehicles. Several software applications proposed by the industrial partners, are developed and integrated in the drone, within an innovative mixed-criticality approach using multi-core platforms.


Participants : Antoine Bertout, Liliana Cucu, Adriana Gogonel, Tomasz Kloda, Yves Sorel, Walid Talaboulma.

This project was started on September 2015. It targets the creation of a framework allowing to connect different existing methods while enriching the description with Waruna results. This framework allows timing analyses for different application domains like avionics, railways, medical, aerospace, automotive, etc.



Participants : Liliana Cucu, Cristian Maxim, Dumitru Potop-Butucaru, Yves Sorel, Walid Talaboulma.

This project is funded by the LEOC Call (Logiciel Embarqué et Objets Connectés) of the national support programme Investissements d’Avenir. It was started on November 1st, 2014 with the kick-off meeting held on November, 12th 2014. The project cordinator is Kalray, and the objective of the project is to study the relevance of Kalray-style MPPA processor array for real-time computation in the avionic domain (with partners such as Airbus for instance). The PhD of Walid Talaboulma is funded on this contract.


Participants : Liliana Cucu, Adriana Gogonel, Walid Talaboulma.

This project is funded by the BGLE Call (Briques Logicielles pour le Logiciel Embarqué) of the national support programme Investissements d’Avenir. Formally started on October 1st, 2012 with the kick-off meeting held on April, 2013 for administrative reasons. Research will target solutions for probabilistic component- based models, and a Ph.D. thesis should start at latest on September 2015. The goal is to unify in a common framework probabilistic scheduling techniques with compositional assume/guarantee contracts that have different levels of criticality.